How to Make Shoes More Comfortable

When it comes to How to Make Shoes More Comfortable, there are basically two kinds of people: surface-level folks and in-depth individuals. Surface-level people mostly stick to the color, style, and material of a shoe and choose very quickly when purchasing their shoes. Then there’s the in-depth crowd who tend to want much more information about a shoe from the comfort rating to even the brand’s reputation.

This pair looks good and goes with any outfit, but chances are it will be one of the least comfortable pairs you own. That’s because it wasn’t created to function optimally for your feet (it was just marketed as such). Instead, all focus went into making the product look aesthetically pleasing which means all you get is an ill fit when it’s time to go put on your new shoes, like really uncomfortable.

While a great pair of shoes can help you feel like you’ve got it all together and a not-so-great pair can make getting around and running errands a bit more of a chore, what if your usually trusted footwear is the source of discomfort? Whether it’s the pair that you actually spend less time with because they take too much energy, or those other pairs languishing in the back of your closet, there are steps you can take to make shoes more comfortable so they feel better. After all, nobody likes unwearably uncomfortable shoes.

From boots to sandals and everything in between, here are the tips you need to know How to Make Shoes More Comfortable that will finally teach you how to make your shoes more comfortable for good. Once you’ve read through these recommendations, you’re guaranteed to be walking a mile in any pair of your favorite shoes before you know it.

5 Tips on How to Make Shoes More Comfortable 

1. High heels

Whether your heels are too high or the arch of your foot is too severe, it’s safe to say most of us here at Heel The Wear knows that debilitating feeling of wearing a pair of high heels for too long. You know, the kind of pain that usually only goes away after an ice bath, a foot rub, or taking off your shoes and tossing them as far from you as possible.

How to Make Shoes More Comfortable If you want to make those high heels more bearable, try taping your toes together. Whether you’re rocking stilettoes or a more modest pair, any pair of heels place a lot of pressure where the ball of your foot is thanks to the nerves that end at the ball of your foot. According to WebMD, there’s one string of nerves in particular that becomes irritated when you place overmuch pressure on them (such as when you wear high heels). Since the most commonly irritated nerve lies between your third and fourth toes, taping the two together can release some tension.

2. Boots

A beautiful pair of riding boots can bridge the gap between comfort and style, but what happens when a person starts getting scraped knees and blisters on their legs? If you find yourself in this kind of unfortunate situation, you might be better off looking elsewhere not just for extra boot laces but also for some medicinal ointment to soothe the irritation.

While chafed legs can be a real issue for hikers and skiers when there’s snow on the ground, the moisture from rain, sleet or snow can make them even worse. How to Make Shoes More Comfortable Healthline explains that these conditions can increase the likelihood of skin irritation. There are some precautions that people who plan to hike through weather conditions like these should take to protect their feet against this unsightly problem – anti-chafing powder serves as one useful precaution in particular.

3. Sneakers

A pair of uncomfortable sneakers might seem like an oxymoron, but well-worn sneakers are what you wear during big races or long runs. They should mold to your feet with ease, but it sometimes takes some time to break-in gym shoes! To expedite the process, grab your blow dryer and give them a quick blast.

How to Make Shoes More Comfortable An old trick that’s been around for a long time, trying out rubbing some heat into your shoes is a great way to keep them comfortable. Just apply some heat from a blow-dryer on the toughest areas like in your shoe laces or near your heel and then walk around with them until they feel cool again. This trick has worked wonders on tight spots in mine, especially if you’d rather not spend money on entirely new pairs of sneakers.

4. Flats

Let’s not sugarcoat things: A blister along the heel or ankle is a lot worse (and more painful) than it sounds. It’s totally debilitating and can really upset your entire demeanor, especially if it prevents you from doing the things you would usually do. Fortunately, there are plenty of home remedies that might help minimize the pain; for example, checking out this remedy for chapped lips to see whether or not it works for blisters as well.

There’s a couple of great tricks you can use to make your shoes fit better. How to Make Shoes More Comfortable For starters, it helps to simply stuff some socks inside of them and wear them for a bit as the socks will stretch out the devices a little. When that stops being enough and you’ve gotten rid of your socks altogether, place some plastic bags filled with water inside any pair of flat-bottomed shoes, which drastically expands the size over time due to their frozen contents. If ice water doesn’t do the trick for you, try freezing cups of water in Ziploc bags. Whatever gets those flats stretched out is good! As one might imagine, it would be best not to freeze leather-bottomed shoes with this method but should there be any unfortunate instances in which ruined flats are on hand, they’re also good candidates for this trick as well.

5. Flip flops

Just because flip flops have the least material doesn’t mean they’re pain-free. Just as shoes with less material won’t make your gait any easier, flip flops’ toe thongs can actually cause a big old blister if you’re not careful when wearing them. Flip flop season is unavoidable once summer rolls around, but there are some preventative measures you can take to keep your feet happy. Prevent that blister from rearing its ugly head by keeping your sandals dry because moisture equal blisters.

How to Make Shoes More Comfortable Before you start packing for your trip, grab a pair of extra shoes in your beach bag. Although flip-flops are often viewed as being comfortable and portable, they lack support which may lead to serious foot injuries if not worn correctly. We highly recommend bringing this extra pair just in case so that you have more than enough options for walking on the beach or dancing at one of your favorite seaside restaurants.

Closing Thoughts!

When you are shopping for How to Make Shoes More Comfortable, the comfort level should be your number one concern. If you are planning on spending a lot of time walking in your shoes, then you need to think about their comfort level. Our blog post today will help you understand what makes shoes more comfortable. In order to make shoes more comfortable, you first need to know that there are two major types of shoes for running: Neutral shoes and Stability shoes. You will want to wear shoes that are specifically designed for the type of running you do. If you are a runner, make sure you have a pair of shoes that are the right type of shoe.

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